Does Luke turn to the Dark Side?

Does Luke turn to the Dark Side?

A few weeks ago I attended a text analytics hackathon, that was immensely enjoyable. Text analysis is something that is quite far from my average day job and I really enjoyed picking up some new skills and playing with the tidytext package. If you are looking to dive into text analytics, I thoroughly recommend the brilliant Text Mining with R book by Julia Silge and David Robinson. The data we experimented with at the event was the three scripts from THE Star Wars Trilogy (you know which one I mean) and I was keen to see if we could use sentiment analysis to distinguish whether a character was from the Light or Dark side.
UK Population Pyramid

UK Population Pyramid

On my journey to creating my animated Premier League table in my previous post, I noticed a lot of examples for creating gifs using the magick package. The gist behind the majority of these examples was to create a sequence of snapshots which could be combined together to create animations. Whilst not quite as seamless as gganimate, it appears to be much more versatile. So I thought I would try and make one.
Animated Premier League Table

Animated Premier League Table

For my inaugural blog post I decided I would step into the world of animated graphics for the first time. I was inspired by the presentation that Thomas Lin Pedersen gave at the useR! conference on gganimate and was motivated to create my very first gif. I rooted around for ideas and decided upon creating an animated table of the Premier League for the last season, with the clubs being depicted by their crests.