Interactive Hierarchies - Drowning in rats

Interactive Hierarchies - Drowning in rats

It’s been a while since my last blog (turns out moving both job and city requires some effort), but for my glorious return I’ve decided to dive into the world of interactive graphics. In particular I’m going to investigate some alternatives packages that allow us to visualise hierarchical data. Interactive visualisations within R can be created using htmlwidgets. This specific set of packages brings the a host of interactive JavaScript visualisation libraries to R, without the user needing any prior JavaScript knowledge.
Reanimating the Datasaurus

Reanimating the Datasaurus

Whilst browsing twitter last night I came upon this tweet by the currrent author of gganimate: I've started a gganimate wiki page in order to collect examples. If you want to showcase your animations and help others learn in the process, consider submitting an issue as described on the main page #rstats — Thomas Lin Pedersen (@thomasp85) August 16, 2018 Now I’ve been experimenting a lot with creating animations with R, and I absolutely love using gganimate .